Why Cod Liver Oil is an Essential Health Supplement- By: Mark Thomas

Description : Cod liver oil is a popular supplement which has been used by families across the generations as a way to improve their health. It can help reduce depression, augment the immune system and promote better blood circulation. The reason it is so healthy is because it is rich in four sources of essential nutrients, which are the omega 3s DHA and EPA, vitamin A and vitamin D.

Omega 3 DHA This is a kind of fatty acid that is important for maintaining the health of the nervous system and promoting excellent sight. The skin, hair, bones and teeth all develop better when it there are sufficient levels of it within the body. Additionally, research has also linked it with both the prevention of depression, and the alleviation of symptoms associated with it.

Omega 3 EPA The main benefits of this fatty acid are that it improves the body s cardiovascular system and reduces inflammation. A secondary benefit is the slowing of the onset of arthritis. Elderly people especially need this fatty acid as part of their dietary intake, though it is still recommended for younger people too.

Vitamin A The digestive tracts and mucosal linings both benefit from Vitamin A. Viral infections and bacterial growth are also restricted, as a more resistant immune system develops. The skin too is improved because the presence of vitamin A is necessary for skin disorders to heal.

Vitamin D This is crucial for the development of strong healthy bones. It is helpful in enhancing the strength and efficiency of the immune system and it also regulates blood sugar levels which is great for those with type II diabetes. Additionally, it has been shown to prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular related diseases and high blood pressure.

There is also a very interesting use of cod liver oil that few people know about, which is that it can actually help prevent tooth cavity due to it increasing the presence of tubular dentine, which is produced by the body to help fight cavities. Where the overlaying enamel has worn away, this tubular dentine can help heal the decayed spot and rebuild portions of the tooth.

That is a lot of benefits to get from just a single supplement, right? And there really is no alternative. Whilst other supplements offer some of the some benefits that cod liver oil supplements do, none offer all of them.

Even consuming a lot of fish, or even fish oil, will not give you the same level of health benefits as the supplements do, as cod liver oil is high in vitamin D, whereas normal fish oil is not. You can consider cod liver oil as fish oil+. They even taste ok these days due to the capsules being flavored.

With all of these proven health benefits in mind, anyone who is not currently taking cod liver oil supplements is doing themselves a disservice, and it could be a decision that they come to regret later in their life.

Article Source : http://www.look4articles.com/

Author Resource : For the best quality Norwegian cod liver oil, visit http://www.norwegiancodliveroil.net/